参考价: 面议

2017-07-02 07:42:43








Purpose: rubber insulated copper wire is suitable for AC rated voltage 300/500V U0/U and below the electrical equipment and lighting equipment with a fixed installation of copper or aluminum core rubber insulated wire.BXR电缆

标准:300/500V橡皮绝缘固定敷设电线(JB 1601-93)

Standard: 300/500V rubber insulated fixed laying wire (1601-93 JB)


Use characteristics:


1, the wire's long-term allowable working temperature should not exceed +65


2, chlorosulfonated shirr sheath installation temperature is not lower than -20 DEG C, has a certain oil resistance, not easy to mildew, and non flammable.


3, black polyethylene sheath wire, with excellent weather resistance, light weight, high strength characteristics.


Wire type and name:

塑铜 塑料铜芯线(铜芯聚氯乙烯绝缘电线,符号BV)

Plastic copper plastic copper core wire (copper conductor PVC insulated wire, symbol BV)

塑软 塑料软线 (铜芯聚氯乙烯绝缘电线,线芯多股,符号BVR)

Plastic soft plastic cord (PVC insulated copper wire, wire strands, symbol BVR)

橡铜 铜芯橡皮线(符号BX)

Copper core rubber shirr (symbol BX)

橡铜 铜芯橡皮软线 (符号BXR)

Rubber copper copper core rubber cords (symbol BXR)

橡铝 铝芯橡皮线(符号BLX)

Rubber aluminum core shirr (symbol BLX)

塑铝 塑料铝芯线(铝芯聚氯乙烯绝缘电线,符号BLV)

Plastic aluminum plastic aluminum core wire (aluminum core PVC insulated wire, symbol BLV)


Specification for type 500V BX:

标称面积Mm2 线芯结构mm根数/单根直径 电线参考数据

Nominal area Mm2 core structure mm number / wire diameter of a single reference data

标称外径mm zui大外径mm 导体电阻20℃不大于Ω/km

Nominal outside diameter mm Max diameter mm conductor resistance 20 C not more than /km

0.75 1/0.97 3.97 4.2 24.9

0.75 1/0.97 4.2 24.9 3.97

1.0 1/1.13 4.13 4.4 18.4

1 1/1.13 4.4 18.4 4.13

1.5 1/1.37 4.37 4.6 12.5

1.5 1/1.37 4.6 12.5 4.37

2.5 1/1.76 4.76 5.0 7.5

2.5 1/1.76 5 7.5 4.76

4 1/2.24 5.24 5.5 4.64

4 1/2.24 5.5 4.64 5.24

6 1/2.73 5.78 6.2 3.11

6 1/2.73 6.2 3.11 5.78

10 7/1.33 7.39 7.8 1.83

10 7/1.33 7.8 1.83 7.39

16 7/1.70 8.50 10.6 3.12

16 7/1.70 10.6 3.12 8.50

25 7/2.12 10.16 11.8 0.722

25 7/2.12 11.8 0.722 10.16

35 7/2.50 11.30 13.8 0.519

35 7/2.50 13.8 0.519 11.30

50 19/1.83 13.35 16.0 0.357

50 19/1.83 16 0.357 13.35

70 19/2.12 15.3 18.3 0.261

70 19/2.12 18.3 0.261 15.3

95 19/2.50 17.6 21.0 0.191

95 19/2.50 21 0.191 17.6

120 37/2.01 19.10 20.0 0.153

120 37/2.01 20 0.153 19.10

150 37/2.24 21.8 22.0 0.122

150 37/2.24 22 0.122 21.8

185 37/2.5 23.40 24.0 0.098

185 37/2.5 24 0.098 23.40


Specification for type 500V BXR:

标称面积Mm2 线芯结构mm根数/单根直径 电线参考数据

Nominal area Mm2 core structure mm number / wire diameter of a single reference data

标称外径mm zui大外径mm 导体电阻20℃不大于Ω/km

Nominal outside diameter mm Max diameter mm conductor resistance 20 C not more than /km

0.75 7/0.37 4.11 4.4 23.9

0.75 7/0.37 4.4 23.9 4.11

1.0 7/0.43 4.29 4.7 17.6

1 7/0.43 4.7 17.6 4.29

1.5 7/0.52 4.56 4.8 12.0

1.5 7/0.52 4.8 12 4.56

2.5 19/0.41 5.05 5.3 7.17

2.5 19/0.41 5.3 7.17 5.05

4 19/0.52 5.60 5.9 4.41

4 19/0.52 5.9 4.41 5.60

6 19/0.64 6.20 6.5 2.92

6 19/0.64 6.5 2.92 6.20

10 49/0.52 8.08 7.9 1.73

10 49/0.52 7.9 1.73 8.08

16 49/0.64 9.16 9.5 1.14

16 49/0.64 9.5 1.14 9.16

25 98/0.56 11.48 11.9 0.695

25 98/0.56 11.9 0.695 11.48

35 133/0.58 12.50 13.0 0.512

35 133/0.58 13 0.512 12.50

50 133/0.68 14.40 15.0 0.78

50 133/0.68 15 0.78 14.40

70 189/0.68 16.75 18.0 0.262

70 189/0.68 18 0.262 16.75

95 259/0.68 18.88 20.0 0.191

95 259/0.68 20 0.191 18.88

120 259/0.76 20.56 21.8 0.153

120 259/0.76 21.8 0.153 20.56

150 336/0.74 23.10 24.4 0.125

150 336/0.74 24.4 0.125 23.10

185 427/0.74 25.38 26.7

185 427/0.74 26.7 25.38

上一篇:JFEM电机引接线zui全电力配电系统电气符号 下一篇:中国的电线电缆你知道多少?电机引接线
热线电话 在线询价
