


2012/12/19 10:14:33


8旋启式止回阀不宜制成小口径阀门、可以做成很高的工作压力,PN可达到42MPa,而且DN也可以做到很大,zui大可以达到2000mm以上。根据壳体及密封件的材质不同可以适用任何工作介质和任何工作温度范围。介质为水、蒸汽、气体、腐蚀性介质、油品、药品、等。介质工作温度范围在 -196--800之间;适用场合是低压大口径,而且安装场合受到限制;
Valve selection criteria as follows: 1, in order to prevent the media counter-current in the device, the device should be installed on the valve and piping; 2, the check valve for clean media generally should not be used to contain solid particles and the viscosity of the medium; 3, generally in the nominal level by 50mm pipe should be selected on the vertical lift check valve; 4, straight-lift valve in horizontal pipe and vertical pipe can be installed; 5, the import pipeline for water pumps, should be selected at the end of the valve, bottom valve is generally installed in the vertical pipe on the pump suction, and the media bottom-up flow; 6, compared with Swing Lift sealing, fluid resistance, horizontal pipe should be installed in horizontal, vertical mounted on the vertical pipe; 7, swing check valve is installed without restriction, it can be installed in horizontal, vertical or inclined pipeline, such as installed in the vertical pipe, the media flow to the bottom up; 8, Swing Check valves should not be made ??of small diameter, can be made very high work pressure, PN up to 42MPa, and the DN can be large, the maximum can reach more than 2000mm. According to the shell and sealing material can be applied to any work in different media and any operating temperature range. Medium is water, steam, gases, corrosive media, oil, medicines, etc. Medium temperature range of -196 - 800 between; 9, for large-diameter low-pressure situations, and limited installation of occasions; 10, the butterfly valve is installed without restrictions, can be installed in a horizontal tube on the road can also be installed in vertical or inclined pipeline;
