



时间:2010-11-26      阅读:2505

湿度控制仪器 - Humidity control equipment;

冷冻速冻设备 - Freezing and deep freezing equipment;

超临界萃取设备 - Over-critical extraction equipment;

膜分离设备 - Velum seperation equipment;

分子蒸馏设备 - Molecule distillation equipment;

无菌(真空)包装设备 - Vacuum packaging equipment;

化学品分析仪器 - Chemical analyzers;

食品成分分析仪器 - Constituent analyzers;

过滤设备 - Filtration equipment;

食品预处理设备 - Food preparation equipment;

化学品/农药残留物检测系统 - Chemical/pesticide residue testing;

外界污染源勘测仪器 - Detection of foreign contaminating objects;

实验室设备和传感器 - Laboratory equipment and sensors;

射线杀菌和巴氏杀菌消毒技术 - Irradiation sterilization and pasteurization technology;

超高温杀菌设备 - Over-temperature sterilization equipment;



食品配料分析仪器 - Ingredient analyzers;


污染控制设备 - Pollution control equipment;

离析器 - Separators;

饮业清洁设备 - Catering sanitizers;

温度纪录仪器 - Temperature recording equipment;

检测设备 - Testing equipment;

废物处理设备 - Waste disposal equipment;

水质量分析和控制设备 - Water quality analysis and control equipment;

气相/液相色谱仪 - Gas/Liquid chromatogram apparatus.

溶剂 - Solvents;

餐饮业厨房用地板 - Kitchen flooring for catering;

手套 - Gloves;

清洁剂 - Cleanser;

试纸、试剂 - Test paper and reagent.

审核和认证服务 - Auditing and certification;

数据库和软件服务 - Databanks and software on regulatory issues;

实验室食品分析服务 - Food analysis laboratory services;

咨询服务 - Consulting services;

食品质量控制管理服务 - Food quality control management services;

食品安全管理服务 - Food safety management services;

食品卫生管理服务 - Food hygiene management services;

HACCP和BRC培训服务 - HACCP & BRC training services;

微生物检测和认证服务 - Microbiology testing and identification services;

专家咨询服务 - Regulatory experts services;

食品安全保障技术 - Food safety guarantee technology;

生物工程技术 - Biology engineering technology.


上一篇: 春天来了_乐器之除湿防潮术 下一篇: 空气消毒的三种方式对比
