

大米码垛机械手立柱码垛Rice palletizing manipulator column palletizing



本森智能装备(山东)有限公司现代化高科技企业,从事工业机器人、码垛机器人、码垛机、高位码垛机,全自动上袋包装机、配料设备、拆垛机及装车机、物流自动化流水线研发生产, 公司汇集了一批高层次、高素质的专业人才, 公司积极推进“产、学、研结合”的发展模式,成功开发了可广泛应用于自动化包装后道、自动化物流工程的新一代自动化流水线,公司为全面提高市场竞争力大量高品质配件,引进各种*的加工设备,使产品品质得到大幅度提高,在化工、饲料、面粉、建材、食品、饮料、啤酒、自动化物流等行业得到了广泛地应用,从产品的导入到输出,从电器控制到机械结构的设计,本森智能装备(山东)有限公司可以全面提供系统技术方案和设备的精工制造,同时我们拥有完善的售后服务体系,为您提供高品质的技术支持和售后服务。



1. 机械手:负责抓取大米袋,并将其放置在的位置。机械手的设计需考虑到大米袋的尺寸、重量以及抓取的稳定性。

2. 立柱:作为机械手运动的支撑结构,立柱可以是固定的,也可以是可移动的,以便适应不同高度的码垛需求。

3. 控制系统:协调机械手的动作,确保按照预设的码垛模式进行堆叠,同时监控整个过程的安全性。

4. 传送系统:将包装好的大米袋输送到机械手抓取位置,以及将码好的垛输送到存储区。



Rice palletizing manipulator column palletizing refers to the process of using a manipulator to automatically stack packaged rice bags into stacks according to a certain pattern in a rice processing or packaging production line. This type of automation equipment usually includes the following key parts:

1. Manipulator: Responsible for grabbing the rice bag and placing it in the designated position. The design of the manipulator takes into account the size, weight and stability of the rice bag.

2. Column: As the supporting structure of the manipulator's movement, the column can be fixed or movable in order to adapt to the palletizing needs of different heights.

3. Control system: Coordinate the movements of the manipulator to ensure that the stacking is carried out according to the preset palletizing pattern, while monitoring the safety of the whole process.

4. Conveyor system: conveying the packaged rice bags to the gripping position of the robot, as well as conveying the stacked stacks to the storage area.

The advantage of using the column palletizing method is that it can achieve high-efficiency and high-precision palletizing operations, reduce labor costs, and improve production efficiency. In addition, the column palletizing manipulator can also flexibly adjust the palletizing mode to adapt to different warehouse space and storage needs.

When choosing a rice palletizing manipulator, the factors that need to be considered include the size of the rice bag, the palletizing speed, the palletizing height, the working environment, etc. While ensuring that the equipment selected can meet the needs of production, it is also important to pay attention to the ease of maintenance and operation. If your company has such needs, it is recommended to contact a professional equipment supplier for detailed consultation and program design.






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